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Las mejores películas en la plataforma de streaming



kaylinMike y Dave buscan rollo serio(2016) 

I didn't laugh as much as I thought I would at this movie. Kendrick and Plaza are fine, but I still can't help but think of their characters as total bitches most of the time. Just like those two were total assholes. At… (más)

StanislausMike y Dave buscan rollo serio(2016) 

One of the many American relationship romantic comedies, in which more than one character goes through an internal upheaval because they simply decide that they can't go on like this and have to change, I was… (más)

novotenIce Age: El gran cataclismo(2016) 

It is almost surprising that an ever-expanding group of heroes still maintains the level of humor where they can laugh freely for an hour and a half without inhibition. The reasons why I used to defend the first three… (más)