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Las mejores películas en la plataforma de streaming



lampsPaddington 2(2017) 

A British feel-good movie that, unlike the first, doesn't feel so shoddy and outrageously entertains by parodying various genre tropes, the best of which is definitely the jailbreak with a perfect Brendan Gleeson and… (más)

LimaEl truco final (El prestigio)(2006) 

4 1/2 *. A return to subtle storytelling and definitely Nolan's best film since Memento. The only thing that bothered me was the literal conclusion. If Nolan had used a more elegant solution, perhaps in the form of… (más)

ZízaGa'Hoole: La leyenda de los guardianes(2010) 

Nice animation, and I liked the soundtrack at one point. But otherwise? NOPE. Maybe I'm squeamish, but I absolutely hated the owls fighting with each other. Plus it was such an infantile story, boilerplate characters,… (más)