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Las mejores películas en la plataforma de streaming



OthelloIndiana Jones y la última cruzada(1989) 

Lucas' and Spielberg's apology for the dark pulp flick Temple of Doom, which paradoxically with its "white savior" concept was most in line with the original idea of conceiving Indiana Jones as the cliffhanger adventure… (más)

MarigoldIndiana Jones y el templo maldito(1984) 

I feel like Spielberg let himself be seduced by the gloss and forgot that Indy's magic is equally part of the action and the story. There is plenty of the first in The Temple of Doom (perhaps even a surplus), but the… (más)

lampsEn busca del arca perdida(1981) 

Anyone who doesn't take this brilliant ride through the history of adventure and stylistic tropes as an absolute gem is ripe for a psychiatrist. Spielberg and Lucas created a new form of entertainment that, with any… (más)