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  • Drama
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  • Documental

Programas (9)


Cher (1975)

American CBS television in the 1970s was mainly all about The Sonny & Cher Comedy Hour and all its variations. After their divorce, it was about this solo Cher full of great ideas and musical performances with costumes that made your eyes cross. And then she and Sonny tried again, and then they tried again separately, and it was a nourishing decade. Absolutely legendary guest performances: The Jackson 5, Bette Midler ("Trashy Ladies Medley"), Raquel Welch ("I'm a Woman"), Tiny Turner ("Shame, Shame, Shame"), David Bowie, and of course Chaz Bono's little and totally cute daughter ("All I Really Want to Do"). In short, a show with a capital S.

Ellen: The Ellen DeGeneres Show

Ellen: The Ellen DeGeneres Show (2003)

Since Ellen came out in Season 4 of the sitcom Ellen in 1997, the face of American television has changed beyond recognition. Today, the legacy of this legendary move is a platform of her own shows that are a joy to watch. Ellen comments, entertains, and writes books. She regularly also invites popular guests, meaning you don’t lose track of their new projects.