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Ash vs Evil Dead (2015) (serie) 

inglés Lawless' presence on Ash vs Evil Dead couldn't have generated more excitement, and not just among Starz viewers. Lucy and Bruce Campbell's long-running acting relationship has been enticing since the days of Xena. There’s so much to be happy about here: the whole old Renaissance Pictures team is back together, Joe LoDuca is doing the music, Michael Hurst is directing, with Tapert and Raimi producing. However, the format is tricky, and having ten half-hour episodes in a series isn't quite right. So instead of waiting, I recommend three marathons and your final experience will only be better.


Mujeres (1939) 

inglés A fascinating, twisted affair. Yes, the dialogue is turbulent because it was a play originally. That part is clear, but the absolute concept of women who only ever talk about men who are in fact irrelevant to their clucking is... disarming. Moreover, in a better society, it is all a very bizarre affair for the eyes, ears, and mind. I love the Technicolor sequence, falling in love with Norma Shearer's smile, and comparing her to Meg Ryan from the 2008 version. But this time it was particularly challenging.


Papageno (1935) 

inglés A dream come true for anyone who loved the story of the birdwatcher Papageno and his beloved Papageno from W. A. Mozart. Lotte honored the cutest of all operas with her cinematic fantasy, letting her silhouette opera set immerse her in the dream of a couple with lots of little eggs together. It’s delightful.


Las dos caras de enero (2014) 

inglés I was very doubtful that I could appreciate a film based on Patricia Highsmith’s book set in Greece in 1962. My previous experience with films like Purple Noon or Ghost of Love with Alain and Romy was not very good. I had no desire to read those books, preferably in the original languages. But all my life I have had a fondness for the face of Kirsten Dunst, who seems to be only at the beginning of her career. Even though she's already given us so much joy. The beautiful, sultry atmosphere of sunny Greece seemed to inspire us only to watch an unclassifiable married couple from the so-called better society lazily strolling around the sights. She's very glamorous in unbecoming costumes, while he's worked very hard just to cover her with luxury, when suddenly they meet a little con man... The performances are superb, the atmosphere matches the lazy sunny day and the sights are of course beautiful. I'm glad I gave The Two Faces of January a chance.


On the road (En la carretera) (2012) 

inglés I admit without torture that the whole beatnik generation exists on a different planet than I do. But let's say I wanted to broaden my horizons and I didn't despise Kirsten Dunst playing her role in 1947 and 1948. Her Camille at the beginning is sweet, divine, and gentle, with a perfect starry smile. It’s wonderful when she dances and sings Ella Fitzgerald's "I've Got The World On A String." In the second half of the story, she is very broken and yet has an incredibly strong personality. Simply adorable. It's also very interesting that her other co-stars in smaller or bigger roles - be it Kristen Stewart or Amy Adams - were given the same chance. It was a joy to watch Steve Buscemi and let's say Viggo Mortensen's roles, yet it's just that the main theme and the main faces were somewhat lost due to the strong framework.


True Heart (1997) 

inglés A light family B-movie. If you're into the kind of movies Kirsten made after her success with Jumanji, you can enjoy the next piece of the puzzle. Those films are genre-spanning and she's quietly maturing as an actress in them, but she's not that hot babe yet. She was the same in The Siege at Ruby Ridge or Tower of Terror.


Un amor entre dos mundos (2012) 

inglés Kirsten Dunst has never made many sci-fi films. Years ago she only dubbed the English version of the cartoon Kaena: The Prophecy, and as a kid, she was in an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. But today, we have quite an enjoyable sci-fi melodrama called Upside Down, which seems to exist only to have all the eye candy scenes with the beloved Kirsten Dunst. The existence of both worlds is actually a metaphor for the main romance about a couple interacting with each other, just as Aristophanes tells us in Plato's "Symposium."


Supergirl (2015) (serie) 

inglés The pilot was about average. But I gave it a second chance and the cuteness of Melissa Benoist is really bulletproof. She was also great during the nonsensical Glee era, when it didn't make any sense at all. Calista Flockhart, who I've been looking forward to seeing since Ally McBeal, is absolutely excellent in Season 1. Unfortunately, however, the show’s move from CBS to the CW didn't suit her and we don't see her in later seasons. If it weren't for the spectacular events across the Arrowverse in later years, there would be no point in continuing with Supergirl overall. But for people who like to reminisce about their first experiences with Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman or Supergirl (1984), this may not be such a waste of time. Years later, the DC/CW girls' series are finally rounded out by Batwoman, Stargirl, and Superman & Lois also have their own series. So there's plenty to choose from.


American Horror Story - Freak Show (2014) (temporada) 

inglés Freak Show is becoming the best series of them all so far. So, yes, we're continuing. Elsa Mars as a Weimar snuff porn star for president! They also didn't need to make the previous series as a prequel because they could have just made this perfect series and that would have been good enough. :D I wish someone would actually make The Elsa Mars Hour, then everything would be as it should. "In the land of Gods and Monsters / I was an angel / Living in the garden of evil / Screwed up, scared, doing anything that I needed / Shining like a fiery beacon."


American Horror Story - Coven (2013) (temporada) 

inglés I only saw Coven after it was confirmed that all the stories would relate to each other, even in small ways, and I don't want to lose any Easter eggs. However, the witchcraft mission of two rival clans from New Orleans was extremely over the top in every way. But what was too much in the present was made up for by great cinematography and perverse flashbacks.