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La centinela (1977) 

inglés Excellent occult horror, the comparisons with Rosemary’s Baby are not as exaggerated as they may seem. It has a very slow pace, until the very end there is only one memorable scary scene, but a very nasty one at that. The last 10 minutes, on the other hand, I would have no problem including them in the list of the best horror scenes ever. PS: I have a strong suspicion that the creators of the recent House of the Devil got most of their inspiration from this film.


Enterrado (2010) 

inglés Yeah, Buried is a very interesting film that takes place in one coffin with one man, one lighter, one mobile phone, one pen… but to tell you the truth, all that minimalism ends up being almost too limiting. I would have liked to have a look somewhere out of that box, which is proof that the creators didn’t fully manage to turn an attractive premise into a feature film. Buried is certainly worth watching, it’s one of the best thrillers of the year, but it didn’t make me bite my nails or get up from my chair in tension, and the logic leaves the stage too often for my taste. 70 %