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Reseñas (10,821)


Amor de Tru (2013) 

inglés A fairly classical tragic romance, with the only difference being that the main characters are women who find their way to each other. Without this aspect and the fact that it's actually quite well-acted, there isn't much point in watching the film because it doesn't bring anything innovative. Thanks to its naturalness, however, it reaches an average level.


My Friend Flicka (1943) 

inglés Such a nice family film, which has a fairly traditional structure and revolves around the love of a child and a family for an animal, but there are many events that nearly cost the animal its life. For its age, the film is actually quite good, but given the theme, I got quite bored and the movie didn't manage to truly captivate me in any way.


Major Payne (1995) 

inglés Damon Wayans definitely has comedic talent, which he showcases in this film. Unfortunately, the overall plot of this movie is just a big cliché, where it is clear from the beginning how it will end. If it weren't for the somewhat well-executed humor here and there, it wouldn't make sense to watch it, but Damon somewhat saves it.


La bestia marina (2008) (telepelícula) 

inglés It must be acknowledged about The Sea Beast that there are also some special effects here that aren't too bad. And unfortunately, that's the main thing you can appreciate here if you don't mind that it's still digital and in that regard, it's not top-notch. It's just an inferior standard of television, which is more for fans of B-movies than for anyone else. But I wasn't really offended by the film.


Tarzan and the Great River (1967) 

inglés The series isn't progressing anywhere and it's rather stagnating in place. Mike Henry didn't click with me this time either, and he's probably my least favorite actor playing the ape man. Cheetah is getting more involved in the plot again, but I'm not sure if it benefits the overall movie because Tarzan and the Great River certainly isn't a comedy.


Schulmädchen-Report 13: Vergiß beim Sex die Liebe nicht (1980) 

inglés With the thirteenth episode, the original series says goodbye, and it's probably a good thing that it's over because it had nothing more to say. Besides the weird hairstyles and everyone looking like they're from a German porn film, except there's actually no adult content here, it's really quite a boring movie that tends to lull you to sleep rather than excite you.


Le llamaban Jeeg Robot (2015) 

inglés An interesting film has come from Italy, on which it is visible that it was inspired by Japanese manga, but also by American mainstream comics. And there is also a European approach to it, a bit of social issues, although it is very close to the Japanese style. An unexpected delight that I enjoyed a lot.


El infiltrado (2017) 

inglés Sure, it's pretty bad, and in terms of action, it's nothing special. But I can't help it, whenever someone from the older action guard shows up, I'm really glad for it and I can't be objective. Unfortunately, it's painfully obvious in the film that it was put together in a few days. Nothing is surprising here, nothing that grabs you. But Dolph's doing his thing.


Brimstone: La hija del predicador (2016) 

inglés Westerns are on the rise again, and filmmakers are realizing that they need to take a new approach. The European co-production succeeded in doing that and we get a film that's pretty gritty, very uncomfortable, and has a great demonic character. But the way the story is told doesn't really serve much of a purpose and doesn't give the film much extra.


Tarzán 66 (1966) 

inglés So after the first few minutes, I was wondering if another Tarzan movie was starting or if it was going to be a Bond movie. I don't like Mike Henry as a representative of Tarzan, just as I don't like where the last stories I've seen in the series are headed. It's like it has almost nothing of Tarzan anymore.