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Reseñas (10,821)


Crash (Colisión) (2004) 

inglés An excellent film that shows at first glance the racial prejudices we have, but is actually much more general because it shows how much hatred and lies are ingrained in us. And it's a very unpleasant sight because not everyone reaches enlightenment like some of the characters; some simply remain drowned in that hatred.


Tarzan Goes to India (1962) 

inglés I was wondering why the hell they were sending Tarzan to India. As a plotline, it's quite absurd, but on the other hand, it must be admitted that in terms of storyline, it's not bad. It's just evident that the creators simply didn't know what they were doing. But that's simply because they decided halfway through the series that Tarzan was actually going to be someone completely different. It works as a standalone film, but not so much as part of a franchise.


Schulmädchen-Report 10: Irgendwann fängt jede an (1976) 

inglés The second half of the film is so stupid that it's impossible to even laugh at it. Watching a movie just for naked women is really not enough, and it's not even worthwhile. Sure, there are beautiful women here, but you can find many more without unnecessary fuss on the internet nowadays. Such films simply lose their value over time, if they even had any in the past.


Bolero (2004) 

inglés A pretty good Czech crime drama, but unfortunately far from being truly great. It's just that the police officers' handling seemed so strange, random to me. Brabec concentrated more on atmosphere and individual shots, which worked well. The case itself is gritty, which adds a lot to it, and the final revelation of the whole scene really hits the viewer.


Tarzán el justiciero (1960) 

inglés I'm wondering if it's not a shame that this is the last film with Gordon Scott as Tarzan because here it has been shown that the series has a rising tendency and I quite enjoyed this journey through the jungle. It was emotionally intense, quite interesting in terms of plot, and above all suspenseful, even though you can guess how it will all end.


La luz de mis ojos (2017) 

inglés I don't know what it is about me, but this is the second film in as many days that has managed to move me that I didn't expect to have any effect on me. Burt Reynolds is getting older physically, but he still knows how to act. The blind girl coming to terms with her fate, even though it's all very sentimental, didn't overstep its bounds.


Schulmädchen-Report 9: Reifeprüfung vor dem Abitur (1975) 

inglés A film that has a really slow start in the series - at least for now - with nothing interesting happening for about a quarter of an hour. And then we're treated to a barrage of very bad humor and erotic scenes that are classically restrained and not surprising in any way. The transition to more humor is terrible because the skits don't work.


Pastoral Americana (2016) 

inglés I was looking forward to a movie about the destruction of the American Dream, but I can't help it, it just didn't work out, and you're left with a fairly empty narrative where the actors tried, but it still wasn't enough. An excellent trio of actors in the lead roles, yet you still feel like it's very dull. Here, the script and set design failed, being incredibly restrained and not wanting to show anything more.


Wolves (2016) 

inglés I watched Wolves basically just because it stars Michael Shannon and Carla Gugino. I like them both very much, but it's only Michael who really gets a lot of space here and shows his acting skills. Carla doesn't have such a well-written role. But overall, the film is rather disappointing and the actors are not sufficiently elevated by the ordinary script.


Vile (2011) 

inglés The film Vile is especially for those who like violence against people in a horror. I don't mind movie violence, but I was somehow hoping the story would be more interesting overall, but it collapsed into violence for the sake of violence, even though one could expect more interpersonal conflict. Based on other reviews, I was expecting this to be an interesting, gritty piece. It's not that interesting. Here, it would be worth playing more with the story.