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Reseñas (1,480)


Ga-Rei: Zero (2008) (serie) 

inglés Well, I don't know, I kind of got bored watching every episode – without fail. Not that I was sleep-deprived, but I had a bit of an urge to look at the scroll bar to see how much time was left to go, and I was a bit disappointed when I realized I was only halfway through the episode... That shouldn't happen, right? But the animation is really nice...


Kaleido Star (2003) (serie) 

inglés Such a simple story about what all such stories are about XoD As a relaxing film it's good, you don't want to look for anything complicated, some interesting ideas, it's just recycling what you can eventually hear in every anime and American movie. Love, effort, friendship.... and you can find it in a better coat. A weaker 3 stars.


Hana jori dango (2005) (serie) 

inglés Yeah, I liked this. My favorite scene – and the fact is, I've been waiting for it ever since I saw Makino protecting her friend at probably every stage of her life – is the one where she punches Dōmyōji. Yeah, that was me preparing my fists with her and cheering, and when she put him down with one punch, it was such a hilarious victory! :oD So I'm happy. I just don't understand why most Japanese series I've seen have the exact same ending. It's simply pisses you off. ;-) But in any case, it's a nice and fun series :-)


Enano rojo - Back to Earth (2009) (temporada) 

inglés I get what the creators were going for, I accepted it, I had fun, I said goodbye. Unfortunately, they didn't get it exactly right, but still... RD is a show I never got bored with and I didn't even get bored with these 3 episodes, although they had a few deaf spots and in my opinion weren't just for fun. Kind of a funeral send-off XoD They're older, but their characters are still the same. And that's important to me.


Nobuta. O produce (2005) (serie) 

inglés I've seen it twice. I liked it even more the second time. Just for starters – did you/do you notice the Czech flag in episode 3?! Nobuta wo Produce is a really beautiful story about friendship. Watching the birth, blossoming, and maturity of relationship between three people is really something beautiful. That teddy graham (Kazuya Kamenashi – I could just eat him up, he just struck me that way), Yamapi and Maki work well together, their acting make noises that are pleasing to my ear. I'm so glad I saw it. And watch that "pre-Nobuta" special too, it's fun when the main characters compete with each other :-)


Hana zakari no kimitači e: Ikemen paradise (2007) (serie) 

inglés That's great! ^_^ I really had fun with the boys :-D And Mizuki... finally, after so long, a female character I really liked. Dakara... :) God, I'm still laughing for days afterwards and I know I won't regret watching it again, easily 100 more times! :-) This version is many times funnier than the Taiwanese one, but then again the Taiwanese one sticks to the manga almost to the detail, so which is better? ^___^ I'm clear.


Loveless (2005) (serie) 

inglés Kind of a story from everywhere. A little bit of fatality, a little bit of bro love, a few plot holes, a little bit of love, hugs, boobs, lying for the good of someone else, hairy ears, a well-schooled little punk and you have the whole story. Nothing I'd have to see a second time, although once again I have something to think about – by which I mean the last 5 minutes or so. Those were the most interesting and confirmed my hypothesis. But I think it could easily have been worse. I think I can read the manga in peace.


Karin (2005) (serie) 

inglés The first half kind of blended together for me, so it was always the same thing happening over and over again in a slightly different coat, but it didn't matter at all because it flew by nice and fast and opened up the space for a more suspenseful and dynamic second half. It was fun to smile at Karin; you really need such a sympathetic vampire :-) And what about her family...! It's a great choice for relaxation.


La niebla (2007) 

inglés Hm... the blonde was terribly unappealing... come to think of it, I didn’t actually like anyone in this... The best part was stirring up the mob, how easy it is, right? And that ending? I kind of expected it, exactly like that. Mr. King always tries to end with that bit of a shock, but this one seemed transparent to me; oh well, it's dawn now and the mist is rolling over the tree tops. And I'm not scared at all. Such a pity.


La melancolía de Haruhi Suzumiya (2006) (serie) 

inglés I guess it's because I'm a girl, but I "devoured" Kyon's casual style, while Haruhi didn't charm me that much. Or maybe it's because he's a lot like me, at times it's like seeing myself ;-) With its non-chronological ordering the series confused me for a while, but I digested it, and it connected everything beautifully, you simply have to pay attention while watching this. All the participants from the SOS Brigade were great and I wouldn't mind meeting them again. Yes, it was great, yet I was bored at times, which is why I can't give a full rating. Pity, eh? P.S.: I really liked the feeling I got when I understood Mikuru and Yuki's hints :-)