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Reseñas (917)


Cep Herkülü: Naim Süleymanoğlu (2019) 

inglés For me, a very overrated film that I'm sure a large percentage of people won't like. I was skeptical from the beginning because of the inexperienced filmmakers, the actors and the Turkish production, which is probably not among the better ones. And after a few minutes all the points started to come true. The Turkish dubbing doesn't work well, the film is more about the Turkish-Bulgarian conflict of the time, which went completely over my head and didn’t entertain me, the acting is below average and the fact that the story may be emotionally strong certainly doesn't save the film for me. I didn't even make it to the end, the 150 minute running time is overkill and, although I believe there will be fans who will enjoy this film, for me it's a waste of time for a very sophisticated group of people who are willing to suffer through a Turkish film experience just to get an interesting story of an Olympic athlete.


El escuadrón suicida (2021) 

inglés Everybody stay alert and get to the cinema as soon as possible, because this is a blast, a definite must-see on the big screen and not only the best film of the month, but for me probably of the year as well – in fact I might as well put it in my top 5 overall. A DC movie at almost 90% after opening preview is something that hasn't happened in a few years and I can objectively say that's a well deserved rating. We're used to jokes with Marvel and darkness with DC, but this Marvel style (thanks James Gunn!!) fits The Suicide Squad to a tee and I was screaming with joy immediately after leaving the cinema. The motto "there's no limit to creativity" applies doubly here, and superhero movies haven't had a space godlike villain this cool in the form of a walking starfish launching little aliens, nor have the entire squadron of both Suicide Squads (those who watched the film know what I'm talking about) is perhaps the most original, the most over-the-top, the funniest and the most likeable (King Shark, Harley, the rat woman, the weasel, Captain Boomerang, Javelin, Peacemaker, the dude shooting deadly confetti. ..). As a bonus, we also get a sufficient background of the characters, the action is very sure-handed, with blood and heads are flying for miles, the choreography is great and clear, and the fights are complemented by a decent story, insanely apt and casual jokes, lots of wisecracks and fantastic character shots. Quite simply, whenever there, they are one highlight after another and will hopefully have every viewer jumping out of their seats with joy. Acting-wise, it's ace as hell – there's literally not a single actor that one doesn't know and for me, this is quite possibly the best line-up we could have got: Margot Robbie, Joel Kinnaman, Idris Elba, John Cena (he's often useless as an actor, but here he fits the style of the film brilliantly), David Dastmalchian... I simply have nothing to fault the film, and you can see that when an experienced person takes over directing, a film immediately looks better and is incomparable to the old Suicide Squad. I'd happily go to the cinema again, because I already know this one won't get old and I expect it to be on top the charts within a week.


La clásica historia de terror (2021) 

inglés A Classic Horror Story is exactly what it says in the title - a classic horror film that takes a lot of elements from well-known classics and doesn't stand out that much, but it's the fairly original twist, along with the excellent music that makes it decent and after a long time quite creepy above average film. As I mentioned before, more than half of the experience is the background music, which gets under your skin and only enhances its importance in key scenes, while making the rest of the film even more stifling on its own. The atmosphere is great, the cult masks are creepy, the characters aren't (exceptionally) annoying or grating, but instead quite fun to watch. The film has a lot of ideas we've kind of seen before, but it combines them skillfully and artfully into a whole where nothing is eye-poppingly stupid and everything works as it should. In the second half, the film shifts into Midsommar waters with a scene that looks identical, but it doesn't hang around for very long (about 5 minutes) and to be honest, I guess it doesn't quite fit, it feels like they forcefully wanted to merge this with Ari Aster's work and this weird creepy five minutes sort of fizzle out into nothing in the context of the rest of film – it just doesn't really fit. The second issue is the lack of gore and for me that's an almost unforgivable transgression, because in a film this scary, suffocating and atmospheric, gore would have taken it to heights of satisfaction, but here all the murders are out of frame and that's almost incomprehensible to me when there's a massacre every 10 minutes. Anyway, the final impression is very positive and I'm really happy because I haven't seen a horror film this good in a long time, and although it's not a genre smash, I'm having a pretty good time at the moment so I'll gladly throw in that fourth star.


Déjame entrar (2010) 

inglés If it looks like a vampire, sucks blood like a vampire, and burns in the sun like a vampire, it's probably a vampire. A rather controversial film basically just about the friendship between two kids with nothing more to it, which divides people into the "5*" camp and the camp of not-so-enthusiastic viewers. And I actually understand both groups. Although I fall into the latter option and find the film to be two hours of chatter, building up the kids' relationship and only superficially sketching out the suspense or horror vampire side, I can understand that for some the bond between the two protagonists is enough to satisfy them and they don't dissect the film any more. Unfortunately, I personally didn't enjoy the two drawn out hours of watching the kids outside the house with only the occasional digression into horror or any hint of a pick up in pace, and thus for me the film lacks the aspects that would make it a better cinematic experience to remember. The acting is decent, the music captivating and the visuals pretty dark, but the overall concept for me is too atmospherically sterile, with no better pacing or more drive to pull the film forward.


The Boy Behind the Door (2020) 

inglés A mindless "horror" film about a couple who kidnap two boys, one of whom escapes, wanders around the house, occasionally stumbles upon the kidnappers, sometimes there are chases, sometimes some blood is spilled, a little suspense here and there, and once a new character appears. A huge problem are the uninteresting characters, to whom you don’t manage to form a bigger bond, and so all the tension fizzles out, as you don’t really care deep down what happens to the boys. The cinematography is good, the visuals are mediocre, the gore and atmosphere are scarce, the behaviour of the characters is sometimes insanely stupid. It might not be a huge bummber in the end, but it's definitely not a good movie experience either. Bland, without any point and I won't remember it the day after tomorrow. I'd like to say that the directors have improved their reputation after the failure of The Djinn this year, but unfortunately I don't see why I'd give this film a boost in the ratings.


Fast & Furious 9. La saga Fast & Furious (2021) 

inglés The F&F franchise has one exceptional quality, and that is that it is capable of raising scenes to such heights of comicality with every episode that you wouldn't believe it. And Fast & Furious 9, from the very first minutes, is built up ad absurdum. Here we have, over and over again, flying cars, exploding cars, motorbikes, quad bikes and basically everything one can think of, technology that could not exist even in the best sci-fi movies, and on top of that his teletubbies crew, which is again the same cast, so at least I give extra points for that, because it has grown on me over the episodes. Plot-wise, though, it's still the same song. The same, unentertaining and as I mentioned here almost comical stuff. People flying through the air, a car getting intercepted by a fighter jet in flight and taking off with it, bad guys jumping from motorcycle to motorcycle, and cars driving on a vertically dropped rope bridge. Thank you, I don't want to. I was kind of naively hoping that in 8 episodes they would learn their lesson and, judging by the audience response, figure they could cut back a bit, but probably in vain. Audiences here go for action, but in the best case they will leave laughing and feeling that there are stupider people than them (=the creators), in the worst case they will turn it off after 20 minutes and pretend that this film never worked. Having John Cena in the cast might have already sounded the alarm that it's probably going to be a mess... 1 star for the "Dom and family" memes, which would never have happened without the movie.


Tiempo (2021) 

inglés From the very beginning I had a terrible urge to cheer with the words "Shyamalan you did it, you did it again", but after a few minutes it was clear to me that nothing like that was going to happen. M. Night Shyamalan, Denis Villeneuve and Ari Aster are a directorial holy trinity for me and I adore their films because they often bypass the mainstream and serve up uncomfortable and unconventional spectacle, but Old is just a dud whose comic book source material might certainly have been good, but an equally good cinematic adaptation is unrealistic. The basic concept of a beach where time passes faster along with a shocking final twist plus some respect for the director earns two stars, but the rest is basically all negatives for me. Ironically, the main thing the film falls down on is its main theme, namely aging over time. Each character ages at a different rate, in a different time frame, and in a different way, making the plot a very random hodgepodge of all sorts of things. I was counting on things not making sense, but this felt like a chaotically random mix of events that the screenwriter thought of five minutes before filming. Likewise, the characters' personalities and emotions are terribly poorly portrayed, as they've practically aged 30 years in an hour, and thus no one really has any idea what might be going on in their heads. And no, conversations like "We never had prom or homecoming, poor us" really aren't words anyone would say while on the island and one character after another is dying. Plot-wise, it's practically about nothing, and the few things Shyamalan chooses to visualize (birth???, surgery...) are the two scenes that don't make any sense at all. All in all, we have empty, uninteresting characters and a sometimes comical plot (broken bones in a cave? the whole cinema was laughing... ), when you are actually just waiting for the final twist and hoping for some redemption that would allow you to forgive the whole previous mess, but we don't really learn "what's going on, why is it happening" or anything else, and apart from the surprisingly well answered question "who is doing it" it's simply a waste of time. I was incredibly hopeful that Old would be the new little sibling to Hereditary and go full mindfuck five star, but for me this is one of the biggest disappointments of recent times and I'm nervously pounding the table wondering how the creative team could possibly get this one out into the world.