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Zombis nazis 2: Rojos vs. Muertos (2014) 

inglés Tommy Wirkola returned to Snow with an obvious upgrade in the budget, so limbs, heads, and every conceivable body part were flying around again. It's Wirkola's own brand of Nordic poetry. This time around, we've got the professional and determined American Zombie Squad jumping into the mix, so things aren't as straightforward as they were in the first part. But the real standout? The increased dose of black humor. Some scenes are downright unforgettable (the field hospital, the loyal zombie, the fuel pumping, the final erotica, etc.). / Lesson learned: When you're giving first aid, just make sure it's not the last aid. 4*-


Succession - Retired Janitors of Idaho (2021) (episodio) 

inglés In my last review, I was complaining about the absence of the toxic family dynamics. And while this still persists, this time around, the internal company scheming ramped up to such an extent that it more than made up for the Roy family dysfunction. Watching the negotiations play out was a real treat, especially given the states of the main opponents. I'm already itching to see how this situation unfolds further. No chance of boredom creeping in here! / Lesson learned: Always read the package leaflet before you start popping any new meds.


Succession - Lion in the Meadow (2021) (episodio) 

inglés The fourth episode had me hooked because the intricate dance between political ambitions, corporate greed, and the thirst for personal power was simply perfection. However, I'm starting to miss that toxic atmosphere in the family dynamics from the last couple of episodes. I'm hoping the show swings back to that vibe. / Lesson learned: If you're going to corrupt a politician, make sure they're really working hard for you.


Succession - The Disruption (2021) (episodio) 

inglés Yes, they've done it again, but that's no longer a surprise with this series since I've come to expect this level of quality. I didn't give it five stars simply because I wasn't drenched in a sufficient amount of disgusting fluids. The episode had a very intriguing plot, but once it ended, I didn't feel disgusted enough to get that usual urge to throw up. / Lesson learned: There is a dark side to fame.


Zombis Nazis (2009) 

inglés Tommy Wirkola didn't hide where he drew inspiration for this film, and good thing he didn't. It's much better to make a movie as a tribute to something you love rather than just copy and pretend to be a proud creator. Similar to Wirkola's other crazy creations, this one isn't suited for the artistically inclined audience looking for deep reflections on today's burning questions. It's simply an old-fashioned massacre filled with frostbitten and rotting Nazis, where you can switch off all brain functions except the basic ones (if you don't want to risk suffocation). I wouldn't recommend it to the sensitive types, but for me, amidst all the blood and freely flying pieces of human anatomy, it was quite a ride. / Lesson learned: Watch out for snow. Especially if it's yellow.


Muere otra vez (2020) 

inglés Boss Level is a bit of a mixed bag for me. The theme is seriously worn out, but hey, all the action and fight scenes were shot brilliantly, and the main character's quips were pretty funny, so as an action flick, it'd get a solid four stars from me. However... the creators didn't stop there. They delved into a philosophical and psychological defense of life's true values, forcing the viewer to activate at least a part of their brain from relaxation mode. And right at that moment, the film stopped working for me because, in my opinion, it didn't need to be more than a straightforward action joyride. That cost it two stars. As an action romp with undemanding humor, 4 stars; with all those pontifications and Mel Gibson's drawn-out fable about a boar and a snake, just 2*+.


Succession - Mass in Time of War (2021) (episodio) 

inglés The second episode delivered a hefty dose of intrigue and manipulation, so I can't fault it, even though it didn't quite hit me with the same intensity as the previous one. With each new episode, I find myself amazed at how engrossed I can get in a story where there isn't really a truly likable character. Well, whatever the creators are aiming for, they've got me hooked, and I'm enjoying the ride.


La peor persona del mundo (2021) 

inglés So, what did I just watch? A romance or more of a psychological portrait of the main character? Probably a mix of both, but the truth is, after the first fifteen minutes, I was tempted to call it quits because I found myself somewhat bored. However, I stuck with it, and to my surprise, the film remained watchable despite its consistently slow pace. It didn't blow me away, but it wasn't dumb either, and I can comfortably agree with many of the ideas it presented. The overly drawn-out runtime is a major drawback, though, so I'll settle on a generous three stars. / Lesson learned: Take a moment to think before you judge someone.


Succession - Secession (2021) (episodio) 

inglés What an awesome kick-off to the fourth season. Barely had it begun, and I was once again immersed in an atmosphere that gave me the feeling of being completely covered in disgusting, sticky slime while breathing in the stench of a slaughterhouse during a hot summer in the midst of a foot-and-mouth epidemic. If the creators can still evoke such strong impressions in me by the third season, they must be doing something right. / Lesson learned: Life is full of paradoxes. Sometimes, the higher you climb, the deeper you're in it.


Přání Ježíškovi (2021) ¡Boo!

inglés While I'm not always keen on remakes, I don't outright dismiss them because every now and then, one comes along that I actually prefer to the original film (like Oscar). However, Přání Ježíškovi was, to my dismay, almost a perfect copy of the Polish original (itself loosely based on the British original), and I simply don't understand why this movie was made at all. Aside from zero creative innovation, my biggest issue was with the casting. Every time Richard Krajčo appeared on screen, I couldn't shake the image of Chewbacca; Elizaveta Maximová felt bland to me; Jiří Langmajer's presence must be there because of certain sponsors, and Anna Polívková simply isn't and never will be Agnieszka Dygant, even if she wears a similar hat. Maybe I've seen the Polish version one too many times, so this rendition left a sour taste in my mouth, and I think it should never have been made. / Lesson learned: Even customs officers and consumer protection agencies can be right. The original is the original.

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