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Vive y deja morir (1973) 

inglés Roger Moore's first Bond film didn't quite work out. Moore was trying to be as tough as Connery in the early Bond films, the script was trying to pretend it was better than it was, Jane Seymour was trying to look like a virgin, and Gloria Hendry wasn’t trying to do anything at all, so the result was as lackluster as you’d expect.


Diamantes para la eternidad (1971) 

inglés What this film has going for it is definitely a witty script. I finally find Bond more likable because he can make fun of himself. The other characters are also great - Plenty O'Toole, a wacky pair of assassins, and Jill St. John, who is rocking the bikini.


La vida de Brian (1979) 

inglés The first time I saw The Life of Brian was in my 1st year of high school. It instantly became one of my favorite comedies and I’ll never get tired of watching it over and over again. If I were a devoted Catholic, I would have to whip myself with a barbed wire while watching it lest the Almighty think I was enjoying it. Hilarious scenes, great writing, and superb acting. The sheer number of memorable lines and historical references make this comedy absolutely timeless. All I have to do is think of Otto's suicide squad, Pilate, the ex-leper, or the line to the crucifixion, and I'm chuckling to myself again.


El circo volador de Monty Python (1969) (serie) 

inglés What to say about the Monty Python's Flying Circus sketches? Brilliant! Timeless! Incredibly funny! Unparalleled! I don't think anyone's ever come up with anything better. Granted, the last season wasn't as good as the previous three but considering that the series was made between 1969 and 1974 and it has been making me laugh out loud for almost thirty years, that's really saying something. The Pythons' humor is incredibly timeless and the lines from some of the sketches are perfectly applicable to everyday life. But now for something completely different...


Vikingos (2013) (serie) 

inglés The theme of Viking raids is interesting to me. I don't know much about them beyond the basics and the series made me do some digging to get some context. The writers created the right mixture of intrigue, fighting, and insights into the off-season activities of the Norsemen to keep me hooked. Interestingly, the Viking who stands out the most for me in the series is the 168cm tall Lagertha. Until the end of the third season, I was fully satisfied, but the fourth season was a bit disappointing due to the constant visions and hallucinations that needlessly fragmented the plot. I can only hope that the fifth season will bring it up to 5 stars again.


Al servicio secreto de su majestad (1969) 

inglés This film has faced plenty of negative criticism over the years, which I think is totally undeserved. I get that George Lazenby is the main problem. I certainly agree that he comes across as wooden and even a bit sleazy. Except for the lead, I have no major complaints, though. I enjoyed the story, it had some funny lines, if I ignore the ridiculous reference to Connery in the beginning. The pace was great, plus, Bond vs. Kojak!


Sólo se vive dos veces (1967) 

inglés Here we go. Not even the Japanese could keep their women safe from this extremely invasive British agent and so it’s not rare in Japan to come across citizens speaking Japanese with a strong Scottish accent. The leap into the realm of sci-fi is more than obvious, and despite the plot being far-fetched beyond belief, the film does have a certain charm.


Operación Trueno (1965) 

inglés Thunderball is the first Bond film to go to the absurd. The original theme of espionage during the Cold War is replaced with fighting against secret organizations (especially the main one). The Soviets will be sidelined from now on. What’s more, circumstances will often force them to cooperate with the British in the fight to save the world. Not that I mind, it's just that it's no longer a spy film but an action sci-fi. Still worth four stars.


James Bond contra Goldfinger (1964) 

inglés Goldfinger’s caption could be "Macho Strikes Again". I guess only Bond can turn a lesbian into a heterosexual by the sheer force of his masculinity. Compared to the previous two films, there is less of the espionage atmosphere but more of the gadgets and one-liners. Bond films have taken on a new direction.


Desde Rusia con amor (1963) 

inglés The most genuine spy film of all the Bond films. Connery's Bond met his match in Robert Shaw. SPECTRE and the Soviet Union got a proper hammering, without unnecessary frantic action scenes. It definitely belongs to the best of this genre.