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Reseñas (1,992)


La cenicienta y el príncipe (1973) 

inglés No matter how I take it, this is hands-down the best fairytale ever made in our country. It’s overflowing with fairytale atmosphere, with the white snowy plains and the snow-covered spruces favouring the camera, and the cast is flawless, including the German actors. The boyishly mischievous and at the same time femininely charming Libuše is delightful and the then still slender Pavel Trávníček is a proper prince. And, wonder of wonders, Svoboda's music and Karel Gott don't spoil it and the theme song is perhaps the only one I am willing to accept from him. Since then, Vorlíček has not come close to this masterpiece in his other works.


El final de la cuenta atrás (1980) 

inglés A silly recruitment movie for the American Marines. I’m surprised by the high rating it has here, you can see the reliable work of the nostalgia and memories of when this was one of the few Hollywood films shown in cinemas during the Communist regime.


Species (Especie mortal) (1995) 

inglés After a second viewing I have to acknowledge that this is a solid crappy B-movie with a sexy Natasha, who alone deserves one star. And I’m giving it a second one for my favourite Michael Madsen. But an actor of the calibre of Ben Kingsley deserves better stuff.


El señor de las bestias (1982) 

inglés A B-movie that rides on the wave of popularity of the fantasy genre that followed the success of Conan the Barbarian in cinemas all over the world. It is watchable, certainly better than its sequel.


Alerta máxima 2 (1995) 

inglés If it weren't for the desperately uncharismatic and horribly overacting main villain, I'd give it another star, because the final result is not as tragic as could be expected from Seagal. What followed in his case is a different story.


Los Inmortales: Juego final (2000) ¡Boo!

inglés Lambert, you should have left after the third movie, and I don’t mean only the Highlander franchise. Does such a charismatic actor really need something like this? Well, some people feel good in B-movie waters, they just don’t mind if it stinks a little.


Los inmortales III: El hechicero (1995) ¡Boo!

inglés Christopher Lambert needed to pay the rent one year in advance again. If I knew what would come of it, I'd pay it for him out of my own pocket.


Johnny Mnemonic (1995) 

inglés To kill such an interesting premise is an art in itself. Who’s responsible for it? Robert Longo? Note that he hasn't made anything since. I'm not surprised, but still, watch out for him in the future.


Street Fighter, la última batalla (1994) ¡Boo!

inglés That's all I'll give it, even though my lustful eyes feasted on the ravishing Kylie. I could simply put on a clip with her and I wouldn’t have to watch this botched and boring Van Damme flick.


Fire Down Below (1997) ¡Boo!

inglés The guitar in Seagal's hands was probably meant to suggest to the viewer either that Seagal has something extra, or it was an artistic intention to make the viewer identify more with the main character. Of course, even if Seagal played guitar while blowing into a saxophone and drumming with his feet, it probably wouldn't help him.