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Justo cuando su carrera pasa por un momento de transición, el enigmático ex que le rompió el corazón reaparece en Madrid. Menos mal que Maca puede contar con sus amigas. (Netflix)

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inglés Okay, I wouldn't mind the movie being superficial if it was at least appealing to the eye, with a simple story but at least a bit of character development. I'd have a nice laugh and enjoy it without worrying about whether the whole thing was believable or not. The only problem is, that aspect doesn't work here either. I thought the camera kept portraying the girls in an unnecessarily unflattering way. And by that I don't mean that you could see the fat on their bellies (as if they had any), but maybe the excessive amount of powder on their faces. And that's a big fault of the makeup artists, lighting, and direction. What’s more, you can sense an exaggerated effort to be stylish, some hints of feminism that nobody could articulate, and so it's all about nothing. I don't really understand why anyone had the desire to film such a flat story. ()

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