
The story takes place during World War II and presents the illegal movement from inside. Some tough guys from the square have been angry with Albert Zoli, a boxer since he started living a decent life, passed the final examination at high-school, and entered a job as a bank clerk. About his illegal activity, however, they do not even have the slightest idea. With the help of Zsizsi, a young actress, and Diogenes, an extravagant tramp, he persuades the guys to join the movement. They distribute anti-Nazi handbills and paint pacifist slogans onto the walls of houses. They help Szilágyi, the leader of the movement escape from the prison. Soon, they are all arrested, except Zoli. He is coming back from a mission in Vienna, and while he is trying to save them, he is shot dead by the police. After the war, the boys pay tribute to his memory on the square. (texto oficial de la distribuidora)

