
  • Afganistán Osama
Afganistán / Irlanda / Japón, 2003, 83 min


Una niña de doce años y su madre pierden su trabajo en un hospital cuando el régimen Talibán se hace con el poder en Afganistán. Imposibilitadas también para salir a la calle solas, ya que no hay varones vivos en su familia, la madre decide hacer pasar a la niña por un chico. La niña, ahora llamada Osama, tendrá que hacer frente a todos los problemas para que nadie se de cuenta de su verdadera identidad. (Alta Films)


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inglés Knowledge of the Quran and social norms, along with an understanding of the entirely different mentality of the Afghan people, will likely be essential when watching Osama. Utilizing these tools, the viewer can navigate the film's narrative and thematic intricacies with the grace of a ballet dancer. With the absence of each of the facts listed above, the limit of comprehensibility is automatically radically reduced. I won't claim that I navigated the film with complete ease, but the basic plot structure, its power, emotional charge, and most importantly its idea stuck in my head. The simple form can be summarized as follows: In addition to the alternation of shaky and static camera shots with a television-like filter, there is nothing interesting or, let alone, revolutionary to be found in the film. So wherein lies the power of Osama? All in all, in nothing, because although it may seem like a cry of one girl in a crowd of boys at first glance, it ultimately gets "overwhelmed" by the crowd and, despite its urgency, it will likely be as effective as spitting into the ocean. ()

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