
Pete Garrison es una agente del Servicio Secreto de los Estados Unidos que salvó la vida del presidente interponiéndose delante de una lluvia de balas, hace más de veinte años. Popular y respetado por sus colegas del Servicio Secreto, Garrison es un agente de carrera que ahora se ocupa de la seguridad de la Primera Dama. Vive en un mundo de alto nivel y bien organizado de estructuras jerárquicas, planes, mapas, caravanas de automóviles, nombres cifrados, jergas y procedimientos. Es un universo que tiene sentido, hasta que los secretos empiezan a resquebrajarse. El colega y amigo de Pete, Charlie Merriweather, parece sugerir querer compartir información crítica y confidencial. Antes de que pueda llevar esa idea a la práctica, sin embargo, Merriweather es encontrado muerto en su casa, en un crimen que es cometido simulando un robo chapucero. Las pesquisas para desentrañar el misterio caen en manos del mejor agente investigador del Servicio Secreto, David Breckinridge, una volátil combinación de estricta observancia de las normas y temperamento, protegido de Garrison y, hasta hace muy poco, uno de los mejores amigos con los que contaba Garrison. Breckinridge hace caso sólo a las pruebas y trata escrupulosamente de que su trabajo no se vea afectado por los sentimientos. Eso es lo que caracteriza a un gran investigador. Garrison, quizás el mejor agente de protección en el servicio, a menudo ha de trabajar emotivamente, por puro instinto. Cuando se trata de proteger a alguien es lo único con lo que cuentas. El reciente distanciamiento entre Garrison y Breckinridge se debió a la creencia errónea de este último de que Garrison estaba teniendo una aventura con la ahora ex-esposa de Breckinridge. Jill Marin, una dura, insolente y ambiciosa joven agente, que acaba de licenciarse con el número dos de su promoción en la Academia del Servicio Secreto, llega para su primer trabajo de campo. Ha pedido trabajar con Breckinridge porque Garrison, mientras dirigía un ejercicio de instrucción en la Academia, dijo de él que era el mejor investigador del Servicio Secreto. Juntos, el trío empieza a desentrañar lo que parece ser un complot interno para asesinar al presidente un traidor en las filas del Servicio Secreto. Algo que nunca ha sucedido en los 141 años de historia de la institución. (20th Century Fox España)


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inglés An enjoyable thriller(s) that seems to have come from a completely different time - from somewhere around 1980, when its subject matter could still be fresh and unique. This is the biggest disadvantage of The Sentinel - everything it shows us, we have already seen somewhere. It is well crafted, however, and the decent spectacle is mainly thanks to the great actors. Above average. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés What does Michael Douglas get out of guarding the American presidential couple? The First Lady will... But it's not about whether the President can't fit through the doors of Air Force One due to having antlers. We're looking for a rat who wants to bite, Classic! What starts as a relatively interesting setup turns into another Fugitive, where only Kiefer Sutherland's Samuel Gerard's professional arrogance seems to work. The desperate attempt at dynamism fails due to disgusting panning and confusing editing, and the Toronto finale would make Frank Horrigan cry with laughter. Another Frank, Farmer, would shed tears of emotion at the very last scene. This wouldn’t have happened to him. ()



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inglés Unfortunately, the brisk start, when a promisingly convoluted plot is outlined and sympathetic characters are introduced (Douglas and Sutherland were perhaps born for these roles), loses out with the arrival of a plot twist in the middle, which kicks off the millionth variation on The Fugitive with all the clichés, implausible forgiveness, and a bland finale as a bonus. It's no wonder that the hundred minutes, and a few on top, evaporate with the closing credits. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Cold turkey from a lack of Jack Bauer began to kick in sooner than I expected. That’s why I even bothered to dig up The Sentinel from the abyss of history. I must say that Kiefer Sutherland didn’t disappoint me in this respect, he’s just great in this sort of role and Michael Douglas also has a lot of punch in him for his age (both in terms of acting and his fists). The biggest downside of the movie is the screenplay, which is rather strange when they has such a quality topic in their hands. But otherwise it’s a fairly tasty snack for a dreary afternoon. 60% ()


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inglés Michael Douglas must have been born wearing a suit, I would have never believed that he could be such a cool guy. It has been a long time since we have seen such a well-played spy role. Unfortunately, though, Douglas's performance is probably the best thing about this film. The beginning is quite decent and even without flashy and expensive action scenes, it is a very fast-paced and clever thriller. However, towards the end, everything is basically already said and the situation rushes into an action cliché. The ending is downright silly and the whole film ends up being average. Nevertheless, the unbiased insight into the practices of secret services is sometimes surprisingly impressive and the film is enjoyable to watch. The sober performances of all those involved are not surprising. The duo of Kiefer Sutherland and Douglas is incredibly cool. ()

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