The Big Bang Theory - Season 7 (2013) (temporada)

El protón desplazado (S07E07)

  • México El desplazamiento del protón (más)

Streaming (1)


Sheldon se siente despreciado cuando el profesor Protón le pide consejo a Leonard en vez de a él, así que intenta vengarse haciéndose amigo Bill, el presentador rival. A su vez, Raj se pone celoso porque Howard pasa la noche con las chicas. (HBO Max)

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inglés The seventh episode didn't offer much, yet somehow it earned a four-star rating from me. Go figure, right? The mystery lies in Bob Newhart's brilliant portrayal of Arthur Jeffries, filling the entire episode with deadpan lines that had me laughing out loud. Almost made me overlook that desperate attempt at humor during the jewelry-making scene. / Lesson learned: Don't ditch your old friends. ()