
College comedy-drama that served as Lana Turner's first leading role. First published as a story in Cosmopolitan, the tale is a satire of the snobbish Ivy League types who shun anyone outside their small circle of friends. Ayres, Carlson, Brown, and Davis are undergrads. One night, while out on the town and in his cups, Ayres meets dime-a-dance girl Turner and invites her up to his school for the annual party weekend. When he recovers his senses, he's forgotten that he extended the invitation. The weekend begins and Turner arrives, only to be told by Ayres that it might be better if she departed quickly because the other girls--Rutherford, Hughes, Louise, et al.--will make mincemeat out of her and cut her dead. Turner shrugs; she's already there, and not about to go home. True to Ayres' prediction, the snobs gang up on Turner, but she is sharper than they are and tells the crowd off in strong words. The parties commence and Turner goes to every one of them, winning hearts along the way. At one party, she performs a wild dance and her personality is so refreshing to all the boys that she is soon the belle of all the balls. At the conclusion, Ayres has finally awakened to the fact that the debutantes are empty-headed twitettes and that Turner is the woman for him. In between the comedy, there's a shocking dramatic moment when 23-year-old Hunt, a recent widow and former prom queen, takes her own life because she can't find a guy. Peter Lind Hayes stands out as he does the dance with Turner. Good dialog in the script, and Turner shows a flair for comedy. (texto oficial de la distribuidora)



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