Unplugged: Leben Guaia Guaia


They pack their bags and off they go – with no job, no home, no guarantees and no idea where they will be tomorrow but with courage and optimism, which they spread through their music, and €2.29 every now and again to stock up at the service station. Sure this alternative life also has its drawbacks. They don’t always know where they will spend the night, for example, or how they will pay for a doctor. It might start raining when they are standing alone in some shopping street or another in Düsseldorf. Sure, but the two-man band, Guaia Guaia, doesn’t fancy book deals, Speigel articles or interfering producers. They don’t take orders from anybody and don’t pretend. They decide for themselves where to go and what to do. That is the freedom of following their own dreams. (DOK.fest München)
