
It's Christmas and the kids' lists are in. The Weaver kids want the usual -- new car, new pony... -- but Max also adds a Princess Leia doll. Marty is a little weirded out at first, but then vows to not react like his dad would have. He's gonna get Max the doll. No, A HUNDRED DOLLS! This may or may not turn out to be an overreach. Amber knows Reggie is going to get him something perfect, so she enlists Jackie's help to get him the perfect gift. She gets him a lamp and some paint. He's insulted, but perhaps this one needs a little more time to sink in... All Dick wants for Christmas is an ant farm. Easy peasy -- except Larry wants him to have a train set and refuses to buy him the ant farm. Against Marty's advice, Debbie meddles and buy him an ant farm. When Dick finds it early, he's ecstatic. Larry, of course, is not -- because he's actually been custom-making a gigantic ant farm for him. Debbie totally stole his thunder. So Larry steals some thunder of his own -- by buying Amber a car, Abby a pony, and Max a real woman dressed in Princess Leia's gold bikini. Who's the bad parent now? (Sure, it's still Larry, but there might be more.) (ABC TV Network)



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