Jon AvnetGuión:
Robert KingCámara:
Karl Walter LindenlaubMúsica:
Thomas NewmanReparto:
Richard Gere, Bai Ling, Bradley Whitford, Byron Mann, Peter Donat, Robert Stanton, Tsai Chin, James Hong, Tzi Ma, Ulrich Matschoss, Roger Yuan (más)Streaming (1)
Jack Moore es un abogado norteamericano que visita Pekín para cerrar un importante negocio. Tras pasar la noche con una joven china, al día siguiente es acusado de su asesinato. Como el sistema judicial chino es muy distinto al occidental, necesitará la ayuda de la abogada de oficio que le asignan para hacer frente a una acusación que puede costarle la vida. (Universal Pictures España)
(más)Reseñas (1)
The People's Court of the People's Republic of China vs. Richard Gere. Alternately beaten, naked in solitary confinement, or parading in his still snow-white shirt with his lawyer outside his detention site, combined with the clacking of Thomas Newman's piano successfully stealing from itself, creates a feeling that the whole thing feels like an outside view, shot in the States and splashed with Perry Mason, on a system where the state stands above the individual (unless that individual is a significant member of the Communist Party). It’s unimaginable to film something similar in contemporary Hollywood. Only a poor fool would place criticism of the red above the rustling green. ()
Galería (8)
Foto © Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) / David James