
Chloe and Jeff meet and fall in love on the Fourth of July. By Labor Day they're ready to move in together. Friends and family think they're the perfect couple. It's sheer bliss. But on Halloween they fight and break up. Then, oh snap! They realize they've just catapulted themselves into a holiday nightmare! Faced with the hell of spending the big three holidays, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's not only alone, but at the center of one pity party after another, they decide not to tell anyone they've broken up. It's a simple plan; all they have to do is pretend to be in love to make it through the holidays unscathed. As they smile and fake their way through one holiday party after another, their "pretend" romance intensifies and, ironically, they find that everyone else's "perfect" relationships aren't so perfect after all. "HOLIDAY BREAKUP" is a story about how, sometimes, by going through the motions, you can arrive at the one thing we're all searching for. The truth. (Gravitas Ventures)
