Celui qu'on attendait

  • inglés Lost in Armenia
? %
Francia / Armenia, 2016, 90 min


When his taxi breaks down after a performance in Azerbaijan, French actor Jean-Paul wanders, hoping to hitch a ride to the airport. But he accidentally crosses the border into Armenia, which is in a dispute with its neighbor over the Berg-Karabach region, and currently exists in a state of near war. Now our hero, without a common language, and, perhaps most importantly, without a working cell phone, finds himself unable to get back to Paris. Offering a farmer Azerbaijani money to take him to the airport, he is accused of being a spy; when his luggage finally arrives with his French passport, he is thought of as a long lost hero. A man of few talents, Jean-Paul turns to his one great skill - acting - and discovers that he is able to endure, and even thrive, in this strangest of odysseys. (Minneapolis-St. Paul International Film Festival)


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D: francés