
There's a wake for Pauline Pearce, an energetic 66-year-old woman who has just passed away. Her daughters, Janette (Cheryl Freeman) and Danielle (Keisha Alfred), are arguing over a ring that has disappeared. Danielle wants her mother buried with the ring; Janette says her mother is going to be cremated. Dr. Edwin Lingard (Kevin Tighe), Pauline's physician, is at the wake. He talks to Danielle, who doesn't look too healthy, and Danielle is concerned that Janette's fiance, Lawrence (Dennis T. Pressey), took the ring and she goes to the police. Shortly thereafter, Danielle stumbles onto Park Ave. at 108th St. and is run over three times. One of the hit and run drivers turns himself in, and says that there was a car stopped which caused the accident. Goren (Vincent D'Onofrio) sees that Danielle, a recovering drug addict who had supposedly been clean for a year, was using again and had shot up right before she died. (iTunes)

