
Lena Brody (Monique Fowler) works at a Jewish Home for the Aging. She has a mysterious bruise on her wrist and tells her daughter, Claire (Maria Thayer), it happened at work. When her husband Lance (Thomas G. Waites) comes home that night, they get into a huge argument. Later, Lance finds her locked in the bathroom, dead. Goren (Vincent D'Onofrio) and Bishop (Samantha Buck) are on the case because Lance's sheet metal business was involved in a bid-rigging case in Queens. He is the prime suspect, especially after it appears their huge fight was a result of Lena throwing out one of Lance's prized model boats that he builds from scratch. But the boat is found, so Goren thinks maybe Lena staged her own suicide to frame her husband. Lena's kneecap was shattered and it makes Lance a little anxious when they ask him about it. Strangely, Sam Landau, the son-in-law of one of Lena's patients at the Home, was killed in the same way. (iTunes)

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