Do No Harm

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Estados Unidos, 2018, 85 min


In America the profession with the highest rate of suicides is doctors. Seemingly, against all reason, those who swore oaths to save lives are taking their own at a rate double that of the general public. There are startling reasons for this, involving a culture of abuse where expectations for students and practitioners are crippling, while support and help are nearly nonexistent. Our healthcare system seems reluctant to acknowledge the crisis, even attempting cover-ups. Sleep-deprivation, drug abuse, and profound depression endanger caregivers’ lives and the lives of those they care for. Do No Harm is a battle cry from the families and co-workers of doctors and medical students who killed themselves. It is both terrifying and hopeful. You will meet physicians who are fighting to address the crisis, along with the system’s defenders who see no problems or need to change. All of us, at some time, will need a doctor. Do No Harm will start long overdue conversations about helping the people we turn to when we need help the most. (Cleveland International Film Festival)
