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Una de las grandes películas de Bernardo Bertolucci que causó gran polémica en su estreno. Cuenta la vida de Caterina, una famosa cantante de ópera norteamericana que, ante la repentina muerte de su marido, tiene que llevarse a su hijo a una gira, que no ha podido aplazar, por Italia. A partir de este momento, entre madre e hijo, se inicia una intensa relación, al mismo tiempo que el joven se introduce en el mundo de las drogas. (In-Cine Distribuidora Cinematográfica)


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inglés Although it may seem absurd, I was reminded of Prometheus by Ridley Scott in connection with Luna just a while ago. Both films of course belong to completely different genres, and the directors use different methods and want to appeal to different audiences, but the result is somehow equally poor compared to their potential, budget, and the director's name. Similar is the reaction of a significant part of film fans who seek and find something different in the film than what is actually there. Bernardo Bertolucci is, of course, too good a filmmaker for there to be no interesting image or scene in his film, but compared to what the exteriors and the actors he had at his disposal offered, it is a painful failure. However, the main problem remains the poor motivation and psychology of the characters, the unbelievable plot, the idiotic behavior of the (anti)heroes, and the overall screenplay. This psychological drama somehow fits into the atmosphere of the 70s and the category of films for art-house audiences. The controversy of the sexual relationship between a mother and a son, in my opinion, has already been exhausted, but this only brings out the shortcomings of the screenplay even more. Overall impression: 25%. ()

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