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Reseñas (747)


El perfume - Historia de un asesino (2006) 

inglés A real cinematic treat. A gripping story (a bit gritty at times), an amazing soundtrack, and one great human destiny fulfilled. Dustin Hoffman as an aging, formerly successful Parisian perfumer and Alan Rickman as the loving father of his only daughter pass the "baton" midway through the film with great dignity. One of the most original and imaginative efforts of recent times. Let's try to imagine what the whole film would have looked like if Tim Burton had directed instead of Tom Tykwer and Johnny Depp had been given the role of the main character.)


Batman vuelve (1992) 

inglés For me, Tim Burton's second Batman is clearly better than the first. And for several reasons. First of all, I love the dark atmosphere, and Burton serves it up much more frequently and also more palatably (I'm not saying digestibly) here compared to the first. The sets and the production design are absolutely perfect, and every shot breathes sophistication and the incredible care with which Burton built each scene. I admit, and also agree with the opinion of others, that it may be harder to digest for some with weaker stomachs, as it is a bit scary at times. The lion's share of the slickness and quality of the whole film is due to Danny Elfman, whose soundtrack is absolutely phenomenal and matches all the features of the second Batman to a tee. If it weren't for Christopher Nolan, this would be the best Batman ever and could hardly ever be topped. But The Dark Knight is The Dark Knight.)


El gran Lebowski (1998) 

inglés Wild, but beautifully wild. The Coen brothers clearly scored with this unique piece of work. Truly very few films are THIS WELL DONE. - You can imagine where it goes from here. - He fixes the cable?


Ella es el partido (2008) 

inglés Tastefully and enjoyably shot retro. Although the sports side gets quite a bit of space here, there is still room for romance. There are also plenty of humorous situations. By the way, I've never found Renée Zellweger a pretty woman, but she looks surprisingly pretty here :), her character has panache and makes a more than worthy second to the immensely likable Clooney. -Stop, or I'll shoot! -He said he'll shoot! -They always say that! -You said he always says that! -He does. Just before he shoots!


Chocolat (2000) 

inglés Chocolate nicely combines elements of drama and comedy with a slight hint of fairy tale. Lasse Hallström's incredibly elegant, likeable, and enjoyable work is probably best enjoyed with a cup of hot chocolate and some of those sweets. :) The choice of actors is perfect, the music is more than pleasant. :)


X-Men (2000) 

inglés Another comic book adaptation, this time directed by Bryan Singer. The action, effects, music, sound, and acting are all on a very decent level, yet something was a little lacking for it to make 5 stars. Otherwise, I "looked down" on this title for a long time, until I finally got the original.) I'm really looking forward to the second and third ones.


La guerra de los mundos (2005) 

inglés I have to go up to 4 stars after the 2nd screening, and that's mostly because of the great Cruise and the talented Fanning. Spielberg combines the invasion of the "repulsive creatures from outer space" + the family drama as a sideline as only he can. A pleasant viewing experience. :)


Piratas del Caribe: La maldición de la perla negra (2003) 

inglés A brilliantly entertaining and narrative effort from Jerry Bruckheimer's production stable. Excellent musical score, wonderful sets and costumes (unfortunately no "statuette"), and above all the excellent Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow make this a great film that I love going back to. I have indeed seen the first Pirates of the Caribbean many times.


El juego (1997) 

inglés Michael Douglas, Sean Penn, and David Fincher – you just can't go wrong. While this is far from Fincher's best film, it is very respectably above average. Suspense, a fair amount of "mystery", a great performance by Michael Douglas, an uncomplicated plot, and a nice ending – that's everything The Game offers. Are you ready to play?


Kill Bill: Volumen 1 (2003) 

inglés I won't deny it when I say that Quentin Tarantino is my favorite director. That's also why my reviews may not always be objective, but you know the drill: when you like someone/something terribly, you simply don't like accepting the fact that not everything about that someone/something is perfect after all, and at the very least you will always find a few flaws. Fine, you probably won’t find any flaws or extraneous elements, but I won't look for any. Quentin does his best work here, mixing action, suspense, and parody with classic Japanese martial arts, and you can really feel how "Tarantino-esque" (in the best sense of the word) the film is. I really don't know what to highlight first, whether the phenomenal direction, the amazing Uma Thurman and the rest of the cast, the overall concept as seeming parody yet still absolutely awesome, the phenomenal soundtrack, the fight scenes... Q.T. must have had a great time filming this because he could transfer his perversions and above all his undeniable filmmaking talent (which was already evident in Reservoir Dogs) into the absolutely ultimate 4 hours of the entire Kill Bill series. I could see the director nodding his head and smiling wryly during the scene when Uma is lying on the floor and cutting off the legs of the "Crazy 88" with her sword. :) My rating and review apply to both films together, so to be clear: Kill Bill: Vol.1 – 100% Kill Bill: Vol. 2 – 105%. My favorite Tarantino "saga" along with Pulp Fiction, though Jackie Brown, Death Proof, and Reservoir Dogs are still significantly above average.