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Hollywoodland (2006) 

inglés I'm a fan of film noir. These movies often have that cool retro atmosphere, a private eye who everyone either despises or is out to get, a damsel in distress (now considered gross, chauvinistic, and gender imbalanced), dry humor (sometimes), and other elements that make this genre appealing to me. Hollywoodland was a bit different. The private eye was also the damsel in distress (at least that's how Louis felt to me), and while they captured the 50s vibe fairly well, the story left me somewhat disappointed. It dragged on for quite a while, bored me in places, and after the main character replayed several versions of one event in his head, I realized it was all over and I knew exactly as much as I did at the beginning. Well, that doesn't exactly fill me with enthusiasm. / Lesson learned: Having strong feelings for fictional characters isn't always ideal.


Miracle Workers - Dark Ages (2020) (temporada) 

inglés Apart from the cast, the second season had nothing in common with the first (which makes the shared title a bit of a mystery). By that, I mean the story, which shifted from heavenly heights to the mud of a medieval village. Instead of heavenly realms, we got mud that's best not to dig into, and instead of celestial beings, we got subjects who seemed to have about as much say in their fate as livestock; all in all, it was quite a steep descent, but in terms of quality, it wasn't all that bad. It's still just easy entertainment, and the creators didn't aim for anything grander. Even though the humor was noticeably weaker compared to the previous season, each episode had a few moments that genuinely tickled my funny bone. It wasn't anywhere near Blackadder, but it didn't bore me either. / Lesson learned: Feel like your job is beneath you? Rise above it.


La asistenta (2021) (serie) 

inglés Every now and then, a film or series manages to hit me right in the sensitive nerve endings because I don't expect it and I don't have time to prepare my defenses. Here we had a fantastic script paired with excellent direction and a stellar cast - casting Andie MacDowell and Margaret Qualley as mother and daughter was a stroke of genius that elevated the whole thing by a star. It's not often that almost every episode of a series manages to pump such a dose of hopeless despair into me, but they really nailed it here. This is the second Netflix production in a short while where I don't have to complain about annoying quotas, political correctness, or an excess of melodrama. I'm just debating its genre. Drama? Comedy? Well, I don't know, it brought on more depression than reading Zola's 'The Kill.' Despite Alex's missteps, I found myself rooting for her character persistently, which means the creators managed to pull me into the story. A great piece of work that wasn't an easy watch. / Lesson learned: If you are sensitive or have a tendency toward depression, maybe go for something lighter.


La asistenta - Chasquidos (2021) (episodio) 

inglés I'm not usually one to root for the typical happy endings in movies and TV shows, as they often feel forced and aimed solely at satisfying the masses. However, this series was a delightful exception. Here, I found myself genuinely hoping for a happy outcome. Even if a completely blissful ending wasn't possible, I'd settle for a glimmer of optimism. Margaret Qualley's portrayal of Alex was so compelling that she managed to pierce through my cynical armor, usually there to shield me from the harshness of reality. I was completely captivated by her performance. / Lesson learned: Follow your dreams.


La asistenta - Azul cielo (2021) (episodio) 

inglés I'm on the fence. The creators managed to weave a desolate atmosphere and a bleak plotline, yet they introduced something new that attempted to stir up a sense of cautious optimism within me. However, I find myself skeptical. While there may be a clear light at the end of the tunnel, I'm not quite ready to sprint towards it on the tracks, suspecting it might just be the headlights of an oncoming train. Call me paranoid, but after witnessing all that Alex endured in the previous eight episodes, I'll only truly believe in a turn for the better once the final credits roll. / Lesson learned: Don't throw anything away. You never know when it might come in handy.


La asistenta - La caza del oso (2021) (episodio) 

inglés I never expected to burst into laughter while immersed in this sea of depressing hopelessness, but it happened. Regina, terrorized by a tiny intruder, was an absolute gem, and her outfit just sealed the deal. It served as a delightful breath of fresh air before the impending wave of despair crashed down. In this series, Murphy's Law reigns supreme: if something can go wrong, it will go wrong, and even when you think nothing can possibly go wrong, guess what? It will. The creators added their own twist to the mix - every misguided decision comes back to bite you in the ass, and boy, will it hurt. / Lesson learned: Never go to a gas station without money.


La asistenta - Palito de Queso (2021) (episodio) 

inglés No one can say this story lacks development, that's for sure. We're watching depression unfold right before our eyes, spiraling into an even deeper depression. With three episodes left, a happy ending seems like a distant dream, so I'm already placing my bets on how Alex's fate will end. And here I was thinking that I had problems in my life. Everything's peachy compared to this whirlwind of dreadful circumstances and poor decisions. / Lesson learned: Material possessions come and go, don't become overly attached to them.


La asistenta - M (2021) (episodio) 

inglés At first glance, it seemed like your typical series, but with each passing episode, it's becoming clear that the creators are a pack of fiendish sadists who delight in subjecting the main character to their twisted whims. They toy with her, granting fleeting moments of happiness and joy, only to yank her back into the depths of despair. It's a finely crafted show, yet paradoxically, it's not always an easy watch. / Lesson learned: Beware the consequences of a children's party.


La asistenta - Ladrón (2021) (episodio) 

inglés Well, last Thanksgiving is now a distant memory, much like the calmer plotlines of this series. This time, Alex finds herself once again taking blows from life, one after another. If I were a believer in a higher power, I'd say the main character must have seriously angered it even as an embryo, or she's somehow inspired boundless hatred from this all-powerful entity with her mere existence. But since I'm not a believer in such things, I have to conclude that Alex just has a relentless streak of bad luck. / Lesson learned: Always lock up thoroughly.


La asistenta - Cachemira (2021) (episodio) 

inglés The pace and the plot of this episode weren't particularly remarkable, but I found myself quite entertained by another of Alex's missteps. They must have hypnotized me or something because I suddenly felt intense relief at not being a wealthy individual (sic!), and not having to worry about strangers openly raiding my fridge and stealing cashmere sweaters. / Lesson learned: Value your privacy? Tidy up yourself.