Las cuatro Estaciones

  • Estados Unidos The Four Seasons

Streaming (1)


Jack y Kate llevan años disfrutando los fines de semana y las vacaciones con dos matrimonios de amigos, Nick y Ann, y Claudia y Danny. Todo parece que va a ir estupendamente como siempre, pero las relaciones entre las tres parejas se ponen a prueba cuando Nick y Ann se divorcian y Nick sorprende a todos al aparecer con su nueva novia, Ginny, una chica mucho más joven. Esto hace que los demás se sientan un poco incómodos y salen a la luz las tensiones entre las tres parejas. (Divisa Home Video)


Reseñas (1)


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inglés Alan Alda as director, writer and of course actor balances admirably on the edge of comedy and drama for 103 minutes and it is a joy to watch. There is not one main character, or two - there are six, and yet they are all written in such a way that not one is left out. Alda must have gotten the situations they get into from life (if not from his own, then from others), as believable as they are, and thanks to the fact that the plot is cleverly divided into four chapters ending with a point, everything is all the more interesting. Of the cast, I liked just about everyone, but I have to single out Alda's daughter Beatrice in a smaller role as a charmingly gloomy student in the third autumn chapter. She was great. ()

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