Roger CormanReparto:
Jonathan Haze, Jackie Joseph, Mel Welles, Dick Miller, Jack Nicholson, Myrtle Vail, Karyn Kupcinet, Toby Michaels, Leola Wendorff, John Herman Shaner (más)Sinopsis(1)
El acomplejado empleado de una floristería sin apenas clientela ve su vida transformada cuando, después de un extraño eclipse, compra una pequeña planta que comenzará a crecer, a moverse y a necesitar constantemente alimento. (Movistar+)
Videos (1)
Reseñas (2)
The Little Shop of Horrors has nothing to do with the horror genre except for the hungry carnivorous plant prop that feeds on human flesh. It is a low-demand comedy, somewhat similar to the Czech film Adela Has Not Had Her Supper Yet, but without the sophisticated artistic aspect, magical dialogues, and the screenwriting brilliance of Jiří Brdečka. The presence of Jack Nicholson is episodic and only documents the beginnings of his acting career. It is an unambitious, cheap, and quickly made film, but as a one-time watch, it's decent because it does not pretend to be anything and does not go beneath the surface of general taste. The dialogues also contain a few decent jokes, and the film has a certain social dimension due to its setting in a poor neighborhood. Overall impression: 50%. ()
Little Shop of Horrors is an American production that is a beautiful example of the fact that Roger Corman made really great movies, not simply the incredibly low-budget ones, where it was easy to overlook the quality and the message. This is a low-budget movie, albeit with a really good plot. In addition, because the movie was also conceived as a slapstick comedy, it has that extra something. Even after sixty years, this movie is great and there is not much to fault it for. ()