All the Vermeers in New York

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Estados Unidos, 1990, 87 min


Yuppy Mark works at the New York stock exchange, a career that's making him rich but not happy. The Metropolitan Museum is his place of refuge; as often as he can, he goes there to look at the paintings by Vermeer. One day, he sees a woman in one of the galleries who looks like the women in Vermeer's work. Intrigued, he follows her. She turns out to be a French actress who is having difficulty making ends meet. Hesitantly, she agrees to meet him, and later on in their relationship, she still sees him principally as a source of income. Until it comes to an abrupt end. All the Vermeers in New York is the story of an impossible love between two people from different milieus in a city which we see almost entirely through interiors, but which is nevertheless a prominent presence. Art seems to be the only pure point of reference in the midst of the capitalist rat race. (International Film Festival Rotterdam)



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