Streaming (1)


Por primera vez, las investigaciones de Holden y Tench conducen a un arresto, lo que convence a Tench de incorporar a la Dra. Wendy Carr al equipo. (Netflix)

Reseñas (2)


todas reseñas del usuario (a esta serie)

inglés Probably a dream come true for all die-hard fans of David Fincher. OK for the rest of us so far, but after the second episode I would expect the pacing and atmosphere to be put in second gear. In the third episode, however, we slow down a bit again and the protagonists kind of stagger in place, just like the viewer who is expecting a second Se7en, but Mindhunter probably has a slightly different target audience and ambition – it feels much more documentary-like than cinematic. At least for now, it’s a bit early for a more comprehensive assessment. Most interesting so far is the deepening of a strange buddy relationship between the two FBI agents. ()


todas reseñas del usuario (a esta serie)

inglés From start to finish, the creators nailed it, earning a full five stars from me, largely thanks to the incredible atmosphere of the seventies. Witnessing Bill lighting a cigarette on the plane was truly an experience in itself. Despite the leisurely pace at which the story unfolds in each episode — I can't tear myself away from it. ()


Galería (3)