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El equipo cede ante la presión de una evaluación interna. Con su táctica audaz, Holden obtiene una confesión, pero pone en riesgo su carrera, sus relaciones y su salud. (Netflix)

Reseñas (2)


todas reseñas del usuario (a esta serie)

inglés The finale wasn't the season's highlight, but it definitely redeemed itself compared to the previous two episodes. I liked how they mirrored Douglas' method of exposing Darrel Devier, and the way they integrated J.D.'s breakdown into the storyline, even if it was heavily modified. ()


todas reseñas del usuario (a esta serie)

inglés A fitting and worthy finale to the series – with an understandable open ending for the second part. The final minutes are a kind of highlight and one of the most thrilling scenes of the whole miniseries, which is complex in what it tells about, but at times quite sterile and not very friendly to the average viewer. ()


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