Low Down


Streaming (1)


In her memoir, Amy-Jo Albany describes what it was like growing up in the strangely sleepy environment of Hollywood's 1970s bohemian community with a father who was at once a respected jazz pianist and a longtime heroin addict. Inspired by her story, Jeff Preiss shot his feature debut, which generates a highly complex atmosphere mixing the dreamlike nature of far-off yet joyful memories of her father with the pain she felt at witnessing his self-destructive addiction. Through the character of Joe Albany, this melancholy drama about Amy-Jo's difficult transition to adulthood has a captivating musical flavor based on both precise craftsmanship and improvisation. Crew and cast played equally major roles in the resulting, strangely elusive form of the film: DOP Christopher Blauvelt, who worked on recent films by Sofia Coppola and Kelly Reichardt, production designer Elliott Hostetter (Spring Breakers), and above all Elle Fanning, John Hawkes, and Glenn Close, who turned in intense performances. (Karlovy Vary International Film Festival)


Reseñas (2)


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inglés A short excerpt from the real life of jazz pianist Joe Albany, a great musician who spent his life in the grip of heroin addiction. It's very indie and only for those who like slow-moving films set to the rhythm of smooth jazz, piano, saxophone and all-encompassing calm. There are no heated emotions, you’ll just enjoy the great actors (the brilliant John Hawkes bears a striking resemblance to Albany, I believed everyone, even Elle Fanning), the piano sounds, the atmosphere of loneliness, and you’ll applaud Kiedis and Flea (who has a small but memorable role) from the Red Hot Chilli Peppers who financed and produced this film. I didn't feel like they were playing an unfair game with me, and that's the way it should be. Only Peter Dinklage's cameo is completely unnecessary in scope and importance in the plot. ()


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español En mi opinión, es fundamentalmente erróneo hacer una película con personajes que son antipáticos y no hay nada en ellos que haga que el espectador simpatice con ellos, se relacione con ellos, entienda sus motivaciones y los apoye. Porque si el espectador no se llega a interesar por ellos, al final le da igual lo que les pasa y, en general, le da igual toda la película, independientemente de si está bien hecha o interpretada (de hecho, no está mal hecha ni mal interpretada). Los protagonistas de Low down (Una vida al límite) están de mierda hasta el cuello y es por su culpa (la protagonista es apática y pasiva con su entorno y su situación, su padre es adicto a la heroína, su madre al alcohol) y ni siquiera intentan cambiarlo. ¿Qué tiene esto de atractivo, aparte del hecho de que es la adaptación de un libro basado en hechos reales? Además, es larga y muchas de las subtramas son innecesarias (véanse todos los pasajes en los que aparece Peter Dinklage). Las drogas son malas, sí, pero eso lo he aprendido de muchas películas mejores... ()