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  • Argentina Nuestros años felices (más)


A finales de los años 30, Hubbell Gardiner y Katie Morowsy son dos estudiantes universitarios de muy diferente carácter. Katie, de origen judío, es una activista política radical, miembro de la Joven Liga Comunista e incapaz de soportar el menor asomo de broma acerca de temas políticos. Hubbell es el perfecto ejemplo de sano estudiante anglosajón y protestante, que participa en todas las actividades universitarias; su máxima aspiración es llegar a ser un escritor de éxito. Después de una fiesta universitaria, bailan juntos y se enamoran. (Movistar+)


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inglés A huge hit at the time of its release and still Columbia Pictures' highest-grossing film. It’s the film that definitively made Robert Redford America's sex symbol. He actually didn't want to do the film, he didn't want to seem like a kind of sidekick to the film's main star Barbra Streisand, so the script had to be rewritten many times before he accepted the role. And he did well. The chemistry between him and Streisand has the power of trinitrotoluene. The dialogues, benefiting from the contrast between an idealistic and slightly neurotic fighter for peace and human rights and a pragmatic successful screenwriter, are a joy to listen to. I had never really liked Streisand, but she won me over with this film. The scene when the emotionally torn woman persuades Hubbell on the phone to come to her is an acting masterpiece, you can feel real emotions there, acting to the very core. The impressive nostalgic ending and the beautiful title tune only complete the absolute cinematic experience. Perfection. ()