
Ludovic es el hijo menor de una familia de clase media. Su máxima ilusión es ser una niña y está convencido de que su sueño se convertirá, tarde o temprano, en realidad. Por eso no entiende la preocupación de sus padres, las burlas de sus compañeros y todas las reacciones adversas que siente a su alrededor. (20th Century Fox España)

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inglés My Life in Pink is not a perfect movie, and you can tell that it was created with a certain enlightening or rather educational intention. Surely, a similar theme could be portrayed in a more sophisticated way or emotionally. On the other hand, it is an honest film that faithfully depicts the prejudices and pettiness of the surroundings, as well as parental insecurity in similar cases. The performances are decent, and the film belongs to the significantly better part of European productions. Overall impression: 80%. ()

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