Apple TV+ - Streaming

Apple TV+

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Las mejores películas en la plataforma de streaming



EvilPhoEniXHell Fest(2018) 

An average slasher that had no business being in the cinema. but at home on TV, it's quite watchable and entertaining. The biggest upside is definitely the haunted amusement park of horror, which has solid rides, scary… (más)

IviDvoHa nacido una estrella(2018) 

A Start Is Born, although by that it means the character of Ally, for me personally two stars were born. Lady Gaga as an actress and Bradley Cooper as a singer. Specially him, who would have thought this guy can sing so… (más)

NinadeLChristopher Robin(2018) 

The saddest children's movie ever. Everything's in its place, even Hayley Atwell in her '40s costume... get your tissues ready. But if you are interested in the real story of A. A. Milne, try the competing film Goodbye… (más)