
Eccentric professor Jonathan Jones (Tom Poston) discovers a magical amulet which can be used to slow down time, inflict pain, or bring about instant death. When foreign agents seek to steal the amulet for their own gain, Jones, accompanied by his colleague Professor Fenster (Julia Meade), must protect it. With support from Jim Backus and Margaret Dumont, and a screenplay by Ray RussellZotz! is a delightful mixture of slapstick and satire. (Powerhouse Films)


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inglés It's a shame about the numerous poor edits here. It detracts from the overall impression of this Castle-esque "horror" comedy. William Castle is a legend in this regard because he knew how to play with the film and the audience like no one else. Zotz!, just with its title alone, is another example of his quirky mastery. Castle's humor resonates with me, and I enjoyed it in this essentially forgotten film as well. ()

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