El ataque de los cangrejos gigantes

  • México Ataque de los monstruos (más)


In Attack Of The Crab Monsters, a group of scientists become marooned on an island while investigating the disappearance of researchers who were looking into atomic activity in the Pacific. They quickly fall prey to giant, mutant crustaceans that have the ability to absorb the minds of their prey. (texto oficial de la distribuidora)

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español Como uno de los pocos, no voy a criticar el aspecto de los cangrejos monstruosos, ya que los encontré bastante pasables en el contexto de películas similares de la época. El escollo está en el guion. No es que se pueda esperar algo, pero unos cangrejos parlantes capaces de imitar una voz y provocar terremotos no se los podía tomar en serio ni siquiera el espectador más entusiasta de 1957 (y el diálogo probablemente ni siquiera merezca la pena mencionarlo). Roger Corman, en años posteriores, ofreció piezas igualmente ingenuas pero mucho más entretenidas. ()


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inglés Poster tagline: FROM THE DEPTHS OF THE SEA... A TIDAL WAVE OF TERROR!!! In the 1950s, Corman made films like in an assembly line and this is one of his best. The very low budget didn't allow for any visual feasts and the actors spend the whole film shuffling between one beach, a house and a cave, and most of it was probably eaten up by the giant crab puppet – Corman didn't worry too much about the the control cables are beautifully visible (and one the extras pulling them in background is a then unknown Jack Nicholson). Then there’s the quite hilarious underwater shots, which look monotonous and unnecessary given the plot, but as a visual boost, well, why not. The script, which doesn't hesitate to have the crabs communicate telepathically with an isolated group of scientists on a deserted island, is of course terrible bullshit, but especially in the second half the shots of the crabs are not spared, there’s always something going on, so there’s no danger of boredom; and the bitten off head and the hand torn off by a boulder fall are an extra bonus. This film today is still included often in monster marathons of TV stations overseas. ()


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