Los invasores



Un grupo de cinco amigos se van a pasar el fin de semana a una remota cabaña cerca de un lago. De repente una luz cegadora ilumina el cielo y un enorme cúmulo de nubes de forma antinatural se cierne sobre la cabaña. Tres de los amigos son abducidos atraídos por la nube. Los dos restantes, Annie y Charlie, consiguen escapar y huyen internándose en el bosque. Para poder sobrevivir deberán confiar en un excéntrico y violento cazador local porque la Tierra está sufriendo una invasión alienígena. (Divisa Home Video)


Reseñas (1)


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inglés The Recall has a simple plot, but it also has very good special effects. In fact, for a low-budget production, it has excellent special effects. That's what I really liked about the film. The plot isn’t going to blow you away, but I doubt that's really the point. On the other hand, the sci-fi idea isn't that bad either, it's just slightly evocative of Independence Day and a bit of The Matrix as well. There's not much originality in it, but it also didn’t bore me. ()