
  • España El herrero y el Diablo (título no oficial) (más)

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Han pasado 10 años desde de la primera Guerra Carlista de 1833. En un pequeño pueblo de Álava, un comisario del gobierno llamado Alfredo investiga un suceso que le lleva hasta una siniestra herrería en lo profundo del bosque, donde vive un peligroso y solitario herrero llamado Patxi. Los aldeanos de la zona cuentan oscuras historias sobre él relacionadas con robos, asesinatos y pactos demoníacos. Hasta que por casualidad una niña huérfana llamada Usue consigue colarse en la misteriosa herrería, destapando la terrible verdad que se esconde tras Patxi el Herrero. (Filmax)


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Reseñas (2)


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Here, I would be careful with the designation that it is a Spanish film, as it could raise the Basques’ hackles. Moreover, in this case, the characters also speak Basque, so it was quite an experience to listen to it. Anyway, I’m bowing down before the creators because the atmosphere was as mysterious as if it was made by Guillermo del Toro himself. An excellent film, dark, mysterious, sometimes hard and cruel, but full of irony, cynicism and even a few jokes here and there. I couldn’t have been more satisfied. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés A bit different for the Spaniards, but still an unusual and engaging topic. The period atmosphere, the performances of the little girl and the blacksmith, the excellent make-up effects and sets, and the great depiction of hell in the final third are all captivating. It's a bit of a historical tale about hell, where a demon is tasked with bringing a blacksmith's soul. Things get complicated and the blacksmith makes the demon his prisoner and tortures him, and this is one of the very entertaining and informative scenes. It's nice to look at, the atmosphere is fine, but it probably lacked something edgier or more intense. 65% ()


Galería (16)