
  • Estados Unidos Christine (más)


Había nacido en Detroit... en una línea de montaje de automóviles. Pero no es un coche cualquiera. En el fondo de su chasis se aloja el mismísimo diablo. Es Christine -un Plymouth Fury de 1958-, rojo y blanco, cuyo único equipo normalizado comprende un deseo de venganza insaciable, que hiela la sangre a cualquiera y destruye todo aquello que se encuentra en su camino. Seduce a Arnie Cunninghan, un chaval de 17 años, a quien consume la pasión por esas líneas estilizadas, redondeadas... (Sony Pictures Esp.)


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español Como película de terror, Christine no te asustará del todo. Ni siquiera es posible hacer una película de terror seria sobre un viejo coche rojo que, cuando se estropea, actúa como un Transformer. Pero disfrutarás de la burla y del suspense de forma sorprendente eficaz, para un tema tan absurdo. Carpenter también consigue captar el extraño encanto del tema, típico de las novelas de King. Aquí, un enfoque detallado de la infatuación fetichista de un joven forastero con un coche que se convierte en su ídolo y le ayuda a encontrarse a sí mismo. Los personajes, aquello en lo que Christine también se basa y lo que funciona bien en ella, son un parámetro narrativo que los cineastas de terror contemporáneos tienden a ignorar: su transformación, el motivo de intentar salvar a un amigo, etc. ()


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inglés The catchy hit "Bad to the Bone" frames a piece about the devilishly autonomous Plymouth Fury, regardless of the average chrome exhaust tip, and the unhealthy fixation of men on their four-wheeled darlings. It follows closely behind James Brolin taming the black car in '77. A little twist of the runtime on the odometer, pour in some high-octane horror fuel, and add imaginative scenes like self-bodywork accompanied by organ music, and it could start overtaking. By the way, when a bulldozer isn't enough to destroy Christine, why not take her on a busy freeway and break her down psychologically? ()



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inglés King's Christine is one of his (few) books that I didn't enjoy that much, but what John Carpenter has done with the story is admirable. It's still a B-movie, but it's a proud one. Entertaining and suspenseful, stylish from the opening credits to the very end. It doesn't matter that one might cringe at some of the scenes or the actions of some of the characters, because that's the kind of thing that fits here. Scenes like the first "self-correction" or the one in the flames are unforgettable. ()


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inglés Despite being overly long, Christine was a surprisingly not boring film. Someone might say I’m contradicting myself, but that’s not quite true. The story does move pretty slowly, there are very few action scenes, they talk quite a lot (about nothing really interesting), but you can feel Carpenter, so if refuse to get bored, you won’t get bored and you will truly enjoy Christine. The main problem for me is that it is not scary, at all. That’s not that big of an issue in horror, as long as it offers some other kind of enjoyment. Unfortunately, this film is made precisely in a style that is meant to be scary, but fails miserably at that. To wrap up, I want to point out to the scene with the burning moving car, that one’s really great. ()

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