El puente de Casandra

  • Argentina Pánico en el puente (más)


Unos mil pasajeros quedan atrapados en un tren infectado por un virus mortal. Huyendo de la policía, el terrorista que transporta el virus se embarcó en el tren, exponiendo a todos a esta terrible plaga. El coronel Mackenzie, el médico Jonathan Chamberlain y su mujer estarán al mando de la situación y procurarán detener al terrorista. Tras el fracaso de la operación, Mackenzie intentará reconducir el tren en dirección al puente de Casandre donde éste debería desaparecer para siempre... (Filmayer S.A.)


Reseñas (4)


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español Tengo que admitir que me embriagué un poco en la primera toma, en la que la cámara penetra a través de las nubes sobre los picos de los Alpes y desciende sobre el lago de Ginebra hacia el centro de la ciudad, terminando en el edificio de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, donde comienza la película. ¡Esto es lo que yo llamo una introducción visual impresionante! A continuación, un thriller político de suspense sobre un contagio viral importado en un tren internacional que se desvía hacia el ominoso puente de Cassandra. Y lo que ocurre en este punto lo dejaré para que lo descubran otros espectadores. Un reparto estelar, una dirección sólida y una trama con mucho suspense: qué más se puede pedir. ()


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inglés I must remember for next time that watching a movie like this with a fever really isn’t a good idea. The Cassandra Crossing can be very convincing. So much so that it is more than just another seventies disaster movie. For a long time it look like it deserves the highest accolade. But there’s always a “but". And Cassandra’s “but" comes after about ninety minutes, when the movie very dumbly transforms into a completely different genre. Then not even the excellent Harris can stop it drowning in B-movie action thriller waters and so The Cassandra Crossing may make a safe claim to being the older sibling of Under Siege 2: Dark Territory. But without Steven “wobbly flab" Seagal. What a great shame. ()



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inglés A film with a rather dense concentration of strange coincidences that bring together a top doctor and a terminally ill man, the wife of a German armorer, a Holocaust survivor and an undercover cop and a drug dealer, and also a film with a number of inaccuracies and errors (not only geographical), but a film that is so suspenseful that you hardly (!) notice any of the above. What I noticed, however, was the last quarter of the film, which unnecessarily degenerated into a "suspenseful" (as if the plot needed to be more dramatic) action spectacle full of literally stupid shootouts and dying... And the guys from the film could really have spared us that. Three and a half stars also for the music by J. G. ()


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inglés Unfortunately, this legendary genre film is in the category of films from which the ravages of time have taken a bite. In this case, it was mainly the lengthy introduction and the sometimes rather theatrical actors that took the hit. However, the good aspects in the form of bypassing the familiar archetypes of the main characters, the solidly built tension in the second half, and the grandiose, in a way unexpected, finale, ultimately carry the film almost to the top. ()

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