
Una joven pareja aventurera que está pasando su luna de miel en una de las más maravillosas y remotas playas de Hawai, cree haber encontrado el paraíso en sus tierras salvajes y senderos solitarios, hasta que se encuentran con un asustado grupo de excursionistas que hablan sobre el horrible asesinato de unos recién casados en las islas, y comienzan a preguntarse si quizás deberían volverse. Indecisos sobre qué hacer, Cliff y Cydney se unen a otras dos parejas, Nick y Gina y Kale y Cleo, y es cuando las cosas comienzan a ir terroríficamente de mal a peor. Lejos de la civilización o de poder ser rescatados, cada uno de ellos empieza a sentirse amenazado y ya no saben en quien confiar. El paraíso se convierte en un infierno terrenal donde da comienzo una batalla brutal por la supervivencia. (Sony Pictures Esp.)


Reseñas (12)



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inglés Quite solid, until the awkward and jaded twist, the audience doesn't know who is who and what is what. Unfortunately, the final action-packed 20 minutes completely destroyed my positive opinion of this film. The natural setting is good, and so is the work with it. The performances are decent, especially Timothy Olyphant, who is quite sharp. However, as I already mentioned, the twist is absolutely pointless. ()


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español Una película que engaña no sólo al espectador, sino también a sí misma. Un excelente ejemplo de cómo NO escribir y dirigir un thriller con un sorprendente remate que debería ser tan interesante cuando se ve por segunda vez como cuando se vio por primera vez. David Twohy debería volver a poner énfasis en las imágenes y la atmósfera. ()


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español Es un thriller peculiar, cuya trama principal me asaltó justo antes de su revelación, no obstante, está bien dirigida y hábilmente filmada, solo necesita unos pocos actores, las ubicaciones son hermosas, ¿por qué no ir al cine a relajarse con una película así? ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés A very pleasant surprise. It’s true that the beginning (i.e. the first hour) could be a lot faster or shorter, but it’s not boring for a second. Likeable characters, a beautiful landscape and fun dialogues, those are the main reasons why I didn’t have any problem with this film and its initial slow pace. The last twenty minutes are brilliant, fast and tense, with a gimmick here and there, like slow motion preceding fast motion. The only flaw in this otherwise perfect thriller are those ten minutes of exposition that may be justified, but up until then the viewer is led by the nose and this scene comes right when the film starts gaining speed, so it’s hard not to look forward to the end of that explanation. Very good summer thriller. 7/10 ()



todas reseñas del usuario

inglés A fantastic hit and one of the biggest surprises of the year. After a series of flops (which were more or less his own fault), Twohy manned up and made a terrific thriller that feels like Hitchcock came back from the dead and went to Hawaii to make another of his classics. A calm romantic introduction outlines the characters, only to be followed by a fairly unoriginal (those who have been watching will remain calm) twist and a perfect final half hour, which (also thanks to the music) is an absolutely crazy sprint full of exaggeration (skull-cracking) and undying adrenaline. The replacement Zahn and a decently acting Milla work well, but Timothy Olyphant is an otherworldly tough guy who can high-five Woody Harrelson for the sharpest tough guy of the fall season. 4 ½. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés This is exactly what I needed! Sitting tensely at the screen, guessing who's who. It's unbelievable how many emotions ran through me during that hour and a half. The cast and the script are above standard. The best people were chosen even for the smallest roles. Despite the pleasant beginning, we get into a mysterious atmosphere that you could cut with a knife. It is only after the denouement, when the cards are laid on the table that the real show begins. Even though the action ending may seem a bit comical, I enjoyed it to the last drop. 4.5 stars. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Such a stylish twist occurred to me long ago and I’m glad that somebody (Twohy) finally managed to get it into such a well-cast movie. That foxy Milla got to me again, back in great form after having a baby and the snappy-tongued Timothy “American Jedi" Olyphant who surprisingly often grabs all the attention for himself. Kiele Sanchez from Lost was just made for this type of movie and it was good to see tough guy Chris Hemsworth, who convinced me that he really does have the balls for Thor. And otherwise... wonderful landscapes, but that is somehow expected from this kind of movie. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés It's not shocking, it's not terribly clever, but it's damn funny! I was surprised by Steve Zahn, who certainly didn't resemble any of his "usual goofballs", and I was pleased by the nice actresses with Milla in the lead, but Timothy Olyphant was clearly the best of all. His character may have acted like something out of a cheesy B-movie, but the way he played it was breathtaking. Director Twohy deserves praise for the hellishly dense atmosphere and for the fact that the film doesn't get boring even in the passages when the characters just talk to each other. The only thing that bothered me a bit was the ending, but I'll give it four stars anyway. ()


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inglés The second half of the film seemed weaker due to weird pointless dialogue, and the ending had a similar effect on me. It’s a shame. The first half of the film had a great atmosphere of paranoia. The fast action scenes that followed undid everything that the script had previously carefully built up. Gina, who can take care of herself in case of danger according to Nick, gave me the impression that if she got a gun to defend herself, she would probably throw it at the aggressor and run off to the jungle. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Up until now, this film had passed me by from quite a distance. After watching it, that fact really stings. A very likable cast with a tightly written story and a script without holes? That already indicates that viewers won’t be bored. And I definitely wasn’t—on the contrary, I was royally entertained. The first half-hour serves as a nice introduction, and even in those moments, I was already trying to guess which couple would end up being the killers. The story ran like clockwork, and the tension thickened with every passing minute, which is exactly what you want. I also want to praise the chosen setting because the Hawaiian Islands, with their beautiful nature, worked perfectly as a contrast to the chilling atmosphere. Steve Zahn is usually a comedic actor for me, but the fact that he played a meth-addicted, murderous maniac so well? I wouldn’t have expected that from him. The rest of the cast also did their part as they should. The last 15 minutes were full of heart-stopping moments where you were really rooting for the "normal" couple to make it to the end unscathed. For a smaller budget, this was a fantastic result. More films like this, please. I give it 79%. ()


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inglés This film was definitely not as pleasant a surprise for me as I had hoped. The whole plot was predictable, and because of that, it felt poorly executed and poorly anchored, where what was presented at the beginning didn't match what was happening, but not in a way that deceives the viewer like The Sixth Sense, but rather just plays a game with them, which in my opinion doesn't work. ()


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inglés An enjoyable treat that gives the viewer everything their sweet tooth craves. Perfectly shot action, a decent amount of suspense, and a masterfully handled climax – almost "perfect" indeed :)) ()

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