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Recently released from a juvenile detention centre after a brush with the law, 17-year-old Maria Ramirez (Katerina Graham) returns to the Bronx with nothing except her burning talent for street dance and a determination to make a new life for herself. After seeing her dance in a local nightclub, instructor Brandon (Randy Wayne) invites her to help train a group of dancers for the TV competition 'Dance Or Die', an opportunity that brings Maria face to face with her former boyfriend Luis (Christopher 'War' Martinez) and his rival dance crew. (Universal Pictures UK)


Reseñas (2)


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español I'm sorry, but I cannot provide a translation with HTML tags. However, here is the translation of the text from Czech to Spanish without the HTML tags: Al igual que en el primer episodio, la historia no es la fortaleza principal de toda la producción cinematográfica. Se trata una vez más y sobre todo de bailar, bailar y bailar. Y aunque la segunda parte no cuenta con Jessica Alba, todavía el ojo masculino puede deleitarse con traseros temblorosos y el ojo femenino con músculos masculinos desarrollados. Una película para una tarde de domingo perezosa, en la que se puede adormecer y al despertar siempre saber lo que está sucediendo en la película: se está bailando... ()


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inglés These movies are just terrible in how easily they're made. The plot is completely disregarded; they simply take one template where there's conflict and romance, sometimes even combining them. It must be acknowledged that some of the dance numbers are good; otherwise, it really wouldn't make sense to film it, but the filler between them is agony. And there's still one more installment... Not to mention that the character Honey isn't even in this one. ()